Have you heard the rumors about skincare?

2 min readApr 21, 2021


After reading on so much skincare science, we need to realize that:

We are surrounded by all kinds of skincare terms, but we can’t tell whether they are the truth or rumors packaged as “truth”.

Avoiding the wrong skincare methods is far more important than choosing the right skincare products. Now, we will break down the skincare rumors that confuse you:

“Massage and patting can promote absorption”
I have to tell you a cruel fact. Most of the time, the absorption we think is deceptive.

“A pat by hand can promote absorption.”
“Massage a few more times to promote absorption.”

In fact, human hands can’t get these molecules into the skin at all, just as it’s hard for an elephant to step on an ant.
The promotion of absorption here is actually to promote volatilization. (Zhou,2020)
The absorption of many skincare products is caused by similar volatile components: alcohol, moisture, volatile silicone oil, etc.(Liu,2011)
When these things volatilize, we feel that the skin is not oily and dry, and then we think it is absorbed. In fact, it is just the skin feeling from the formulator.

“foundation primer can isolate dust, haze, and radiation”
foundation primer can be used as makeup milk, some contain sunscreen value, some can modify skin color, others can concealer.

But..you can’t isolate anything.
It’s just a bunch of emulsion powder. It’s not that amazing. (Huan,2019)
It can not isolate dust, makeup components, and radiation.

“Edible collagen can improve beauty”
After collagen enters the human body, it will be decomposed into amino acids and go to every part of the body. Finally, a small part of it reaches the skin and becomes collagen after a synthetic reaction. (Cai,2018)
Considering that it has been absorbed in the body, the possibility of becoming collagen on the face is very small, and there is almost no obvious change.

Instead of believing in rumors without sufficient basis and over the marketing of products, it is better to use scientific methods and suitable ways to protect the skin. After all, we have only one face. Scientific, rational skincare, and beautification are the most important things we should do.(Jessica,2017)



Huan,z.(2019,May,11). primer is a business gimmick? It can’t stop make-up and pollution, waste money and no effect.baijiahao. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/sid=1633222148158505910&wfr=spider&for=pc

Jessica,C.(2017,August,22). Does Drinking Collagen Supplements Actually Do Anything for Your Skin? self. https://www.self.com/story/collagen-supplements

Liu, Y(2011.December,31). 6 misunderstandings of skincare products absorption, more tapping may not promote absorption.360doc. http://www.360doc.com/content/11/1231/14/4920655_176289816.shtml

Zhou,T(2020,August,29). How many of these rumors do you believe?.guangming. https://m.kunming.cn/news/c/2019-08-29/12710965.shtml — /

Cai.S.(2018,June,14).Eat more collagen, can you make the skin better? news. https://wap.91160.com/news/yangsheng/yinshi/16406.html

