2 min readApr 20, 2021
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Why do I Have Acne as an adult?

“I’m not a teenager anymore; why do I still have acne?” This is a question we hear from adults daily. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your skin becomes clogged up with dirt and dead skin cells. Acne is frustrating no matter the age one is in. Luckily, there is a solution to this global nightmare. To treat your adult acne, you need to keenly understand what is causing it. Besides the main cause of adult acne being clogged pores, there are other causes like:

Over-washing/ over-cleansing the face.

Many people think that the more times they wash their face, the cleaner and less acne-prone it will be. Research shows that over-washing your face can make acne worse. This is because it dries out the skin, which can cause the skin to overcompensate by producing excess oil.

Hormonal imbalance

In women, changes in hormonal disturbance due to menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and starting, terminating, or changing a birth control pill can trigger acne. Some women also experience acne at certain periods of the menstrual cycle, which often goes away soon after.

Mental and physical stress.

When one experiences physical and mental stress, the level of androgens increases which in turn stimulates oil glands causing acne. Other factors like lack of enough sleep, extreme weather, and dehydration may also contribute to the development of acne.

Skin and hair products.

Skincare products that are oil-free, non-comedogenic, or non-acnegenic are known for not clogging pores. Always look out for these phrases when shopping for face products, including sunscreens.

In spite of acne being caused by many or a combination of factors, the good news is that it can be treated. The treatment can be as simple as using home remedies like apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, aloe vera, green tea extract, zinc, vitamin A etc. Also, using the proper skincare products and adopting a proper regimen and routine and help to fix acne. If you are experiencing chronic and persistent acne, it is always advisable to see a dermatologist for a medical examination and treatment.

Which is your favorite regimen to prevent and treat acne?

By Gacheri Mburugu.


Liu K. & Nassim J. (2020, September 23).Adult acne: Understanding underlying causes and banishing breakouts.Harvard Health blog.

(2018, August 8). I’m a Decade Past Puberty, Why Do I Still Have Acne?.health line.