As we mentioned in previous posts, Masks are available in droves on the market, for all types of people, all skins and benefits, and at various prices. But if you are concerned about chemical ingredients and you are one of those who prefer natural and homemade things but do not want to miss the benefits of masks, we will tell you which are the best and how to make them. The best thing is that those ingredients may already be in your fridge! Identify the one that best suits you*:
Use strawberries and honey. Crush some strawberries (4 or 5) and mix them with honey. When you have the paste, apply it on the face and leave it for 20 minutes. Then remove with cold water. Both strawberries and honey soften the skin, in addition to hydrating it.
Give your skin antioxidants with red grapes. Crush 4–6 grapes and mix them with two tablespoons of yogurt and half a tablespoon of honey. Put the mixture on your face and let it work for 15–20 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.


If you have blackheads this is your mask. You just have to mix olive oil with the juice of half a lemon and leave for 15 minutes. If you have sensitive skin, do not apply this mask, since the effect of the lemon will cause skin irritations.
Anti-wrinkle and dark circles
Dip some cotton balls in a mixture of water and cold milk and place them on your face. Then remove and rinse.
Prepare an infusion of chamomile and add aloe vera. Then add a handful of coriander, crush the mixture and place the paste on the face for 15 minutes. Then, remove with warm water.
Oily Skin
If you have oily skin, use 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt, 2 of oatmeal, and 2 tablespoons of orange zest. Mix all the ingredients well, place the paste on your face and wait 15 minutes before removing it. Say goodbye to shine and excess oil.
Dry skin

Mash a banana and add one tablespoons of honey. Apply the mask to your face and leave for about 15 minutes. Then remove and rinse with plenty of water. Another option is to mash the banana and an avocado, mix them with a little honey, apply to the face and remove after 20 minutes.
But be careful! Homemade masks are rich in vitamins and minerals essential for your skin, quick and easy to prepare. However, be careful if you are allergic to any ingredient or you feel something unusual in your skin.
Tell us which one you liked the most and which ones have you used before?
-Valery Serrano
*Many of these recipes were suggested by Mia magazing. There you can refer to for more types of face masks.